Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program

Authorized under Title V of the 1935 federal Social Security Act, the Title V MCH Block Grant is a federal-state partnership administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and is the only federal program devoted to improving the health of all women, children, and families. 

Application and Annual Report

The current NC MCH Block Grant Application is available for download. HRSA’s Title V Information System (TVIS) provides state-reported financial, performance, and program data for all states, state and national snapshots, and each state’s current and historical applications and annual reports.

NC Priority Needs​

An MCH Needs Assessment is required every five years. The framework for the 2020 NC Title V MCH Needs Assessment focused on a life-course approach driven by whole person integrated approach, health equity, social determinants of health inclusive of racism, family and consumer voice, and ensuring data-driven and evidence-based approach. 

The 2021-25 priority needs across the six reporting domains are:​

Women/Maternal Health​

  • Improve access to high quality integrated health services​
  • Increase pregnancy intendedness within reproductive justice framework​

Child Health​

  • Promote safe, stable, and nurturing relationships
  • Improve immunization rates to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases

Adolescent Health​

  • Improve access to mental/behavioral health services​

Perinatal/Infant Health​

  • Improve access to high quality integrated health services​
  • Prevent infant/fetal deaths and premature births​

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)​

  • Improve access to coordinated, comprehensive, ongoing medical care for CYSHCN​

Cross-Cutting/Systems Building​

  • Increase health equity, eliminate disparities, and address social determinants of health​