Renovating your home? What to know about asbestos
Your home might have asbestos-containing materials. Disturbing asbestos during renovation increases your risk of:
- Asbestos exposure, which can cause lung disease.
- Spreading asbestos and contaminating your home, which can increase costs and delay your project.
The only sure way to know if your home has asbestos is to have a professional inspect and collect samples to test.
Frequently Asked Questions
Asbestos is the name given to a naturally occurring group of minerals made up of tiny, easily inhaled fibers.
Asbestos is a hazardous substance that was used in more than 3,000 different building materials.
Even today, some asbestos-containing products have not been completely banned. Testing should occur before planned renovation or demolition activities.
There is no safe level of asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers can cause serious health problems.
When asbestos gets in the air, breathing in the fibers can lead to an increased risk of:
- Lung cancer
- Cancer of the lining of the chest or abdominal cavity (mesothelioma)
- Scarring of the lung tissue (asbestosis)
Protect Your Family from Asbestos Exposure — Homeowner Dos and Don'ts (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Common home-building materials that contain asbestos are:
- Vinyl floor tile
- Drywall joint compound
- Attic insulation
- Vinyl sheet flooring
- Cement siding or roofing shingles
- Textured ceiling and ceiling tiles
- Roofing shingles or felts
- Certain mastics or glues
- Pipe insulation and mudded elbows
North Carolina homeowners can renovate without testing for asbestos. You can also renovate without a permit, even if you're disturbing or removing asbestos.
This inspection determines the presence, type, location and amount of asbestos. Knowing the condition and location of asbestos reduces your potential exposure.
The inspector confirms what state/federal rules and regulations apply to the project.
If you hire an asbestos contractor, ensure they have earned North Carolina accreditation. Check our database of accredited professionals.
Depending on the amount of asbestos present, your contractor may need to notify the state or get a permit.
If you suspect asbestos is present, contact a North Carolina accredited asbestos inspector.
The trained inspector can investigate and take samples of the material. The inspector sends these samples to a U.S. accredited lab for testing.